All basic types (A-E)

Improvement <-

Improvement objectives and strategies for basic type A
(raw material intensive product)

Use alternative materials

Different materials show a varying impact on the environment in their extraction. The requirement for resources and energy also varies depending on the material selected.
Is it thinkable, in principle, to replace those materials of a product that have been identified as particularly resource-consuming (such as virgin aluminum, copper, carbon fiber...) by other materials?

-> Selecting the right materials

Target: Reduction of environmental impact by using environmentally sound materials, recycled materials, renewable materials, ...

Use less of a given type of material

An improvement of the environmental impact can also be realized by generally reducing the material input.
Is it possible to minimize the amount of resource-consuming material used in the product?

-> Reducing material inputs

Target: Reduction of amount of material by design aiming at optimum strength, integration of functions, ...

Make intensive use of resources

Optimum use of the product results in an efficient use of the various materials contained in the product. This is an important approach to an economical use of resources. Products that are easy to handle and that require only little maintenance provide for an efficient use.
Is it possible to further improve handling, functionality and thus the usability of the product?
Is it possible to prolong the life cycle of the product by means of regular tests of the functionality and operational safety?

-> Optimizing product use

Target: Improved usability of products through adaptability, ergonomics, ...

-> Optimizing product functionality

Target: Improved functionality by means of upgrading, multi functionality, ...

-> Improving maintenance

Target: Improving maintenance through wear detection, ...

Use resources as long as possible

A long product life ensures optimum utilization of the materials used in the production process. Ease of repair avoids premature disposal of the product.
Is it possible to further prolong the life time of the product?

-> Increasing product durability

Target: Durability through dimensioning, surface design, ...

-> Improving reparability

Target: Improving access to, disassembling, and exchange, ... of parts

Reuse materials contained in the product

Careful utilization of resources also means to use renewable raw materials and/or secondary materials (recycled materials).
Is it possible to reuse resource-consuming materials from the product after its end of life and to integrate them in well-functioning closed material cycles?
Is it necessary, for this purpose, to disassemble components or to separate different materials after the service life of the product?

-> Improving disassembly

Target: Make possible product take back and ease of disassembling (fastness, ...)

-> Reuse of product parts

Target: Make possible reuse of parts (access, remanufacturing, ...)

-> Recycling of materials

Target: Make possible recycling of materials (separation, labeling, ...)

Improvement objectives and strategies for basic type B
(manufacture intensive product)

Use less energy and material in the production process

Different methods of manufacture vary as to their environmental impact. They require different amounts of resources and energy to produce a given product. Environmental damage often results from the application of inadequate production processes.
Is it possible to reduce the amount of energy and material necessary for production?
Is it possible to use alternative types of energy?
Is it possible to avoid or reduce the consumption of auxiliary and process materials in the production process?

-> Reducing energy consumption in production process

Target: Reduction of energy consumption throughout production by means of optimized processes, renewable energy, ...

-> Optimizing type and amount of process materials

Target: Reduction of environmental impact caused by consumption of process materials in production process (closed cycles, ...)

More efficient use of materials used in the production process

Optimum use of materials in the production process also helps to reduce costs for the procurement of materials as well as for waste disposal.
Is it possible to further reduce waste and/or emissions generated in the production process?

-> Avoiding waste in the production process

Target: Reduction of waste in production through material efficiency, recycling, ...

Purchase of external materials/components

The environmental quality of a product also depends on the quality of the parts and components purchased from other manufacturers.
Is it possible to procure materials, parts, and components in a way as to ensure environmentally sound manufacture?
Is it possible to further reduce the requirement for transportation in the procurement of external parts?

-> Ecological procurement of external components

Target: Environmentally sound procurement of product parts

Use the product as intensively as possible

Optimum utilization of the product ensures an efficient use of the valuable resources contained in the product. This is an important approach to an economical use of resources.
Is it possible to further improve handling, functionality, and thus the overall functional quality of the product (and its components)?
Is it possible to extend the service life by means of regular tests of the functionality and operational safety of the product?

-> Optimizing product use

Target: Improved usability of products through adaptability, ergonomics, ...

-> Optimizing product functionality

Target: Improved functionality by means of upgrading, multi functionality, ...

-> Improving maintenance

Target: Improving maintenance through wear detection, ...

Use the product for a longer period of time

A long service life of the product also ensures efficient use of the individual parts and components. Ease of repair prevents premature disposal of the product.
Is it possible to further prolong the service life of the product?

-> Increasing product durability

Target: Durability through dimensioning, surface design, ...

-> Improving reparability

Target: Improving access to, disassembling, and exchange, ... of parts

Reuse components and/or the product

Refurbishing the product at the end of life and reusing components that require a high input in the production process avoids cost-intensive manufacture of new components.
Is it possible to take back the product (or parts and components) and to disassemble them if necessary?
Is it possible to refurbish high-input parts and components and to reuse them in a new product?

-> Improving disassembly

Target: Make possible product take back and ease of disassembling (fastness, ...)

-> Reuse of product parts

Target: Make possible reuse of parts (access, remanufacturing, ...)

Improvement objectives and strategies for basic type C
(transportation intensive product)

Change packaging

As packaging material is useful only for a limited period of time (unless it is returnable) the type and quantity of material used for packaging have to be optimized. Especially with products that have to be transported over long distances, the weight of the packaging material, too, has a great influence on the overall consumption of resources.
Is it possible to reduce the weight of the packaging material?
Is it possible to use returnable packaging or renewable or recycled materials for packaging?

-> Reduction of packaging

Target: Optimization of packaging by taking into account material characteristics, renewability, closed cycles, ...

Change transportation

The various systems of transportation differ as to their environmental impact. Long distance transportation of products should be realized as efficiently as possible.
Is it possible to reduce the overall input required for the transportation of the product?

-> Reduction of transportation

Target: Reduction of the overall requirement for transportation

Improvement objectives and strategies for basic type D
(use intensive product)

Realize a high degree of functionality

Reliable and functionally sound products ensure maximum benefit from the resources used and also guarantee customer satisfaction.
Is it possible to further improve the functional quality of the product (and its components)?
Is it possible to prolong the useful life of the product by means of regular tests of its functionality and operational safety?

-> Optimizing product functionality

Target: Improved functionality by means of upgrading, multi functionality, ...

-> Improving maintenance

Target: Improving maintenance through wear detection, ...

Ensure safe use of the product

With products that are used intensively, operational safety is particularly important.
Does the product hold a potential risk to the environment, is it possible to take measures that minimize this risk?

-> Ensuring environmental safety performance

Target: Risk minimization

Reduce energy and material input at use stage

The more often a product is used the greater the proportion of resources used up and of waste and emissions generated at the use stage in relation to the overall environmental impact caused by the product during its life cycle.
Is it possible to reduce the consumption of energy and material at the use stage?
Is it possible to reduce the amount of waste and emissions generated during the use of the product?

-> Reducing consumption at use stage

Target: Reducing the consumption of energy and process materials during product use

-> Avoidance of waste at use stage

Target: Avoiding waste during product use

Improvement objectives and strategies for basic type E
(disposal intensive product)

Use alternative materials

The selection of materials has a great influence on the input required for recycling or disposal at the end of life of a product
Is it possible to reduce the input for disposal by choosing alternative materials?

-> Selecting the right materials

Target: Reduction of environmental impact by using environmentally sound materials, recycled materials, renewable materials, ...

Prolonged Use of the Product

The end of life of a product may be delayed by a design aiming at a long service life of the product (and/or its components). This is particularly important with components containing hazardous materials, which are difficult to recycle or which require a high input for disposal.
Is it possible and does it make sense to prolong the useful life of the product?
Is it possible to avoid premature disposal of the product by repairing it?

-> Increasing product durability

Target: Durability through dimensioning, surface design, ...

-> Improving reparability

Target: Improving access to, disassembling, and exchange, ... of parts

Disassembly and Recycling

The more parts and components of the product can be reused and the easier materials can be recycled the less material has to be disposed of; the input necessary for disposal will be limited and resources contained in the product may be reused or recycled. In this context design should aim at reusing parts and components as this approach avoids the destruction of the structure of components and thus preserves the value of individual parts.
Is it possible to recycle materials?
Is it necessary for this purpose to disassemble components or to separate different materials?

-> Improving disassembly

Target: Make possible product take back and ease of disassembling (fastness, ...)

-> Reuse of product parts

Target: Make possible reuse of parts (access, remanufacturing, ...)

-> Recycling of materials

Target: Make possible recycling of materials (separation, labeling, ...)

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